MindEdge Solutions Apps

MBhattacharyya 2.0.0
M.Bhattacharyya & Co. (P) Ltd. has a longtradition of goodwill and humanitarian motive as it was the motiveof the founder to popularize homoeopathy among common mass ofpeople. Homoeopathic Business of this organization started in theyear 1889 in the name of Homoeopathic Stores at the first floor of82, College Street. After about a month it was shifted to theground floor of 78, College Street. Later on in 1896 it was againshifted to 12, Bonfields Lane as Economic Pharmacy.
Capital Electronics 0.0.1
"Capital Electronics" today is a householdname and most trustwrothy seller and service provider ofElectronics and Computers items and appliances such as LCD TV,Appliances, Mobiles, Computers , Furniture.Capital Electronics feels proud in catering to both end consumersand corporates and offers an unique , unmatched instalment schemesand exchange schemes.Capital electronics through its VIP outlet offers service of mobilephones of all reputed brands.
Bloodline+ 2.0.7
BloodLine+ App is an initiative by RotaryClubof Calcutta Mahanagar to help blood seekers find blood in amedicalemergency. The App is a platform to connect a person whoneedsblood in an emergency with a SOS donor registered withBloodLine+App. The Application facilitates blood when in need andwhen noneis available in blood banks.Users can register as blood donors and volunteer to donatebloodwhen required. When a request for blood is received, the Appsendsout notifications to the registered donors. Donors whoareinterested to donate blood can respond through the App.Therequester can then contact the interested donors.So let us contribute to this social cause.Save Life.Download BloodLine+.
MoBEL Service 27.0.0
Customisable & Secure Sales Supporting Software. Sales team cancreate new prospects and manage leads on the go. Automaticallysends text alerts to leads. Analyze sales performance by powerfulMIS reports.
DigiLead+ 14.0.0
Comprehensive Features: 1. Lead Tracking: This software helpsintracking a lead through online or offline platform. 2.LeadDistribution: This software enables automated leaddistribution. 3.Sales Automation: This software enables automatedlead assignmentand set up sales task and alerts automatically. 4.Sales Tracking:This software enables tracking prospective sales. 5.SMS/EmailMarketing: This system is fully capable of schedulingEmails withdifferent fillers. 6. Security and Reliability: Thissoftware isthe most secured and reliable platform for generatingleads. Thereare no way of the leads being disclosed to outsiders.7. LeadNurturing: With our one click follow-up and easy leadassignmentwill help to develop great relationship with prospectbuyers. 8.Mobile App: Mobile access made it easy to use it fromanywhere& anytime.
MoBEL Furniture 2.0
Furniture, Decor & More